Do you struggle with any of these challenges when you commission traditional market research?

Too slow • Too rigid • Too much effort needed on your part • Too expensive • Too generic

AI advancements have made these challenges a thing of the past, but although fast, many AI disruptors lack the experience needed to deliver quality insights. 

Streetbees pioneered conversational research a decade ago, leveraging AI to decode complex human behaviour. By combining this deep expertise with the latest Large Language Models, we’ve now made un-bee-lievably easy for you to get rich and robust insights, fast and at a fifth of the traditional pricepoint. 

Here are six different ways brands like Unilever, Intel, Ferrero and Ikea are using SBX to get quantitative and qualitative insights from thousands of consumers. All in as little as 48 hours. 

Innovation, Category, Brand, Marketing, Shopper and Customer Experience 

1. Objective: I want to innovate with confidence 

Need to refine your concepts to determine which one will resonate most with your audience? SBX delivers a ‘confidence index’ for your concepts, blending quant rigour with qual depth to uncover detailed and nuanced attitudes at scale. A leading medical aesthetics company recently used SBX to identify the best concept for their new product. 

After struggling with polarised opinions about which concept to proceed with, the brand needed a data-driven way to determine which concept would be the most effective. 
​​​​​SBX used its merged methodology to deliver robust quantified results and rich qualitative nuance across 11 markets in just 7 days, capturing conversations with nearly 2,500 consumers. This surfaced detailed insights into each concept, including design route preferences split by market and by various key variable cuts. 

The insights identified unique differentiators across the concepts at a global and local level. It validated the team’s hypothesis about preferred routes, but also identified important builds for the two top concepts, as consumers felt they were not informative enough and lacked crucial details. This gave the team a concrete direction in which to move forward. 

💬 “I have never received consumer insights in just 7 days, let alone for 11 markets and 2 concepts. We have great depth. Truly amazing. I have already recommended you to 5 other people.” CMO.

2. Objective: I want to grow in the right categories 

Need an in-depth understanding of your category to find opportunities for growth? SBX’s conversational survey tool conversates with consumers through a Whatsapp-style mobile app and optimises its questions in real-time to surface consumer trends and unmet needs in any category. One of the world’s largest juice brands recently used SBX to understand consumer definitions of ‘health’ in the juice category. 

The brand needed to maintain its market share against growing competitors by innovating products that effectively meet consumer needs in its category. 
To go beyond surface-level insights, the client team felt they needed to uncover needs, definitions and preferences in consumers' own words. However, to inform innovation, they also needed a robust sample. SBX delivered quantitative and qualitative insights from 250 consumers in just 3 days. 

The research confirmed their hypothesis about evolving definitions of "health" across segments and provided a grounded framework for the naming and grouping of ‘added benefits’. Guided by consumer feedback, the team is now ready to introduce a new line of products with a strategic roadmap for retail execution.

💬 “We know health is going beyond “no added sugar”, but we need to understand how more functional benefits would play a role within the juice category. How do consumers define “clean health” in their own words? This is something we were only able to answer at scale with Streetbees." Senior Insights Manager.

3. Objective: I want to strengthen my brand 

Need to understand true perceptions of your brand in order to align it closer to your target audience? SBX delivers granular insights into the performance of your brand by capturing real consumer language, videos and visual associations. A global beauty company used SBX to understand the root cause of its brand’s poor performance, so it could determine how best to rectify it. 

To uncover the nitty gritty behind brand perceptions and behaviours, the client team wanted to target a large sample in multiple markets using a merged methodology (quantified results with robust qualitative data). In just five days, SBX captured detailed differences in brand perceptions using a multi-market study with 862 consumers. 

While there was a common reason for the brand’s poor performance, unique reasons were also uncovered in each market, which negated the team's hypothesis. One market was deemed unfit for the brand if the company did not invest in innovation within the market to better meet the needs of the audience.

💬 “We were very happy that the results matched some research we already did last year, it reassured us that the tool can give fast and great additional benefits. The different nuances in the country came out really well, with the help of your final summary and recommendations the team had clear action points to follow.”  Director of Insights.

4. Objective: I want to refine my brand’s voice 

Need to understand if your message or visual aligns to your brand identity and performs among your target audience? SBX’s conversational surveys reveal the true voice of the customer, enabling you to maximise the effectiveness of your creative, as well as your paid, owned and earned media activity, at every stage of the journey. A well-known media company recently used SBX to optimise their communications strategy for a new TV series.

The company created a new TV series and needed to identify the resonating aspects of the series to attract viewers and engage fans of the original spin-off. Fast turnaround times needed for pitches demanded insights at speed. Previous static surveys and small focus groups weren't effective. In just over a week, SBX organically captured the depth of the hopes and expectations of future viewers, providing 1,500+ conversations and 20 videos across three markets.

The TV company will use the insights to address key viewer concerns and tailor their communications. This strategy will enhance their pitch, settle potential reservations, and support their continued growth in distribution and viewer engagement.

💬 “The immediacy and depth of insights allowed us to fine-tune our messaging in record time. The authenticity of consumer feedback, combined with robust qualitative and quantitative data, enabled us to showcase how we can resonate with new audiences and secure critical distribution deals.” Vice President of Research, EMEA

5. Objective: I want to influence the purchase journey 

Need to understand shopper behaviours, as well as the touchpoints that drive specific channel sales? Replace recalled and claimed behavioural insights with a real-time view of shopper moments, uncovering the 5 W’s of the purchase journey and the authentic ‘why’ behind decisions. Recently, a leading coffee machine manufacturer used SBX to understand the purchase journey of its prospective audience in the US. 

To optimise their communication strategy and grow sales of their machines, this manufacturer wanted to understand the purchase journey a consumer takes when purchasing a coffee machine and what factors are important to them.
The client team wanted to target a large nationally representative sample and a more niche audience group in the US, all while being cost effective. SBX leveraged the latest developments in AI and LLMs to deliver a two-phase approach in one week, totalling over 1,800 conversations. 

The team identified a target demographic of buyers, along with key communication touchpoints. They were also able to challenge hypotheses about the importance of sustainability in purchase decisions and determine the most effective messaging strategies, channels, and advertising efforts pre and post purchase.

💬 “The insights are great, I have already shared them with my team. There were no risks at all going with this solution, we were sure you would be able to deliver.” Senior Manager of Commercial Insights

6. Objective: I want to better delight my customers

Need to determine the pain points and ‘wow’ opportunities in your customer journey to drive improvements? SBX Direct will reveal the ‘why’ behind satisfaction and dissatisfaction fast, so you can drive optimisation across touchpoints. How does it do this? 

Solution spotlight: SBX Direct

Similarly to SBX Community, SBX Direct will create a fully-fledged research brief and conversation guide for you based on your needs. However, unlike the key difference is the audience it will then survey for you. Unlike SBX Community, which allows you to survey our global community of consumers across 70 markets, SBX Direct surveys are sent to your own customer base. 

The platform will generate a link or a QR code to the conversational survey (depending on your preference), which will be white-labelled to look like it’s coming directly from your brand. You can then share this with your customers in any way you wish - via email, through your app, through in-store activation etc.

All of the insights will then be transformed into a tailored, interactive report, so you can deep-dive into the customer experience. 

💬 “We were immediately drawn to SBX Direct, because it’s founded on AI-first principles, it’s iterating at great speed and it’s an extremely flexible platform. We’re particularly excited about the ways in which it’s opening up new use cases for conducting quality research at speed.” Senior UX Researcher

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Streetbees finds the human in the data, making high-quality insights accessible — at scale. Book a demo to chat to one of our experts and learn how SBX can get you the answers you need, whenever you need them.

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